The System Isn’t Broken. We Need a New System.

To his credit, presidential candidate Julian Castro retweeted an image of yet another black man being choked by an aggressive white police officer. Not so much to his credit he failed to grasp that the problem is systemic.

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  • The System Isn’t Broken. We Need a New System.

    Nailed it again, Ted ! But how do we get from here to there ?…


  • alex_the_tired
    August 7, 2019 4:35 AM

    Isn’t this what Bernie Sanders has been saying, lo these many years? That we need a new system? And was it war criminal Hillary Clinton (who admires Henry Kissinger so much)–a perfect example of the older system’s elites passing on the torch to the newer generation of rapacious goons–who used the system as is to cheat Sanders out of his fair chance?

  • At the link below is a pertinent recent article from PNAS a top, peer-reviewed, science journal. Only the abstract is free. A summary article can be found at gizmodo in the “health” section.

    PNAS title: Risk of being killed by police use of force in the United States by age, race–ethnicity, and sex

    gizmodo title: Police Are a Leading Cause of Death for Young Men, Especially Those of Color, Study Finds


    • Well, falco, as Ted says :

      No, the system is not broken. It’s working exactly as intended.


      PS : Science Blog has more details for those withut a subscription to PNAS….

      • Hi Henri,

        It’s interesting that the “phenomenon” is now being dicussed and analyzed in actual scientific journals. I hadn’t noticed it before.

        We one must surmise if this exposure of US police slow-motion genocide might just tip the scales, already weighted by pending climate disaster research, to a total ban on scientific journals.

      • «We one must surmise if this exposure of US police slow-motion genocide might just tip the scales, already weighted by pending climate disaster research, to a total ban on scientific journals.» But scientific journals are such a good racket, falco – note the prices asked for subscriptions – that it’s hard to envisage them being totally banned. Perhaps, rather, all manuscripts will have to be submitted for Mr Trump’s personal persual – we know what a voracious reader he is – and his red pen before publication ?… 😉


      • Hi Henri,

        I’m sure His Hairness would like to add “Uber-Editor-in-Chief” to his titles. Clearly there is no shortage of appropriately “skilled” underlings to actually do the work.

        I assume he’d require that all “scientific” conferences be held in one of his hotels.

  • But what if the cops take the next logical step? If it’s okay to kill blacks, then it must be okay to kill whites …

    (spoiler alert: they already feel that way)

  • It was to George Orwell’s horror that Big Brother’s camera had to be hidden from in order to speak candidly in one’s own home.

    Today almost everyone spills out every thought (if they can still generate an unmediated thought) before any camera anywhere to be seen and recorded by anyone, including Big Brother.

    Political police once had to go out to infiltrate political opposition face to face.

    Now, after the total surrender to total electronic surveillance, we are at last ready to receive that which will be delivered to, and received by the many, as the blessing of unabashed totalitarianism under a new, more acceptable name.

    • What more could be expected from a Constitution written by genocidal, racist, misogynists than more generations of the same?

      The Second Amendment was written to serve the interests of the White Power owners in order to protect their property (Slaves, land expropriated from Indians, chattel women) and selves from those they angered.

      Martin Luther King Jr. was correct in his linking of Vietnam and domestic violence. The U.S. is still “The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today”.

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