Guest Post: Sinnead O’Connor is Lying

Susan here. Sinnead O’Connor recently gave Miley Cyrus some “heartfelt” advice in the Guardian. But Sinnead is lying in two ways here:

1) She says that Cyrus has talent. If Sinnead really cared about her, she would tell Cyrus that she has no fucking talent whatsoever, and that she needs to get out of the entertainment business and do something else with her life.

2) Sinnead says Cyrus’ body belongs to “her and her boyfriend only”. Not true. Cyrus’ body belongs to her alone, to have sex with whomever she pleases. If she wants to “pimp herself”, that’s her choice. Sinnead needs to be more conscious of sex-workers’ rights, along with polyamorous people’s rights.

Sinnead O’Connor is still a kick-ass musician, but unfortunately, she’s no longer the radical truth-teller she once was.
