I Predict: Obama by 3.7 points

As I told The Washington Post, I predict Obama will win the official vote count by 3.7 points. Let’s see how I do.

Bear in mind, of course, that Obama is leading by 10 points in most polls. The 6.3 percent discount is for sleazy Ohio vote challengers, the Bradley effect, and the blocked/purged voter registrations documented ably by Greg Palast.

Stood Up

Polls shopw that white women are moving in droves from Obama to McCain.

A Tale of Two Sarahs

No, nothing about 9/11. 9/11 is SO over. I had to do something about how Sarah Palin has instantaneously turned into the most polarizing and divisive American political figure since George W. Bush.

Generational Warfare Lite

For the first time since Nixon, pundits are talking about a generation gap between the young and the old. If there’s a conflict, it’s low intensity.


Barack Obama, trying to court conservative whites with dim views of black males, attacks black men for being bad parents.

Better Voting Through Quantum Theory

Hillary Clinton’s waning presidential campaign claims that she is in the lead. But you have to use her “New Math,” which doesn’t count delegates. It counts the total primary popular vote, and includes the states of Michigan and Florida, neither of which count. In Michigan, Obama wasn’t even on the ballot.

Even a Black Guy*

White-majority America points to its flirtations with Colin Powell and Barack Obama as proof that racism is in the past. But neither man is a typical African-American descendent of slaves.
