The Soldier as Spittoon
In this week’s column I quote an expert who says that there are no documented cases of Vietnam vets being spat upon when they came home to the United States. I received several replies from vets taking issue with that claim. Few were credible, some were, but the standout for what I think are obvious reasons was the following. Without comment, here it is.
I read you column semi-religiously, as an wonton agnostic should. I usually agree with you on theory, but this time I have to add to your details.
While not the returning wounded Vietnam veteran, I do have a spit story.
I was attending the State University of New York Maritime College in
1965-1969. On my first trip into NY City as a cadet, I was wearing my brand
new dress uniform. It was a Merchant Marine cadet uniform, dress blues, and
I was pretty uncomfortable in a new costume, but very proud of the fact that
I had it on. Being a freshman in college, and it being 1965, I really did
not come to a personal conclusion about Vietnam, but I was not anxious to go
there, nor would I have volunteered. My college position deferred me from
the draft, and I was going to graduate as a Merchant Marine officer which
would have deferred me as well.
I got off the subway at Lexington and 42nd Street and was walking to Times
Square. I was walking tall trying to support the look of the new uniform.
An rumpled old lady walking the other way was mostly looking at the ground.
As she came close she looked up and without any visible thought process at
all she hacked up the largest loogie you can imagine and hawked it right on
my lapel. As you can imagine, my 18 year old psyche was devastated. I
found some old newspaper to wipe it off, but I never again wore that uniform
without a though about her. That might have been good.
After graduating, in 1969, my first two assignments turned out to be in
Vietnam. The first 8 months out of school I was transporting Korean troops
from Pusan to Vietnam and taking 1 year vets home. (the group going home
was always smaller and much quieter) Following that I got a ship that
wasn’t supposed to be going there but ended up going to Vietnam forever. We
shuttled containers from Cam Rhan Bay to Saigon, Qui Nhon and Da Nang, back
and forth. The ship was shot at several times and hit once.
I went there dubious of our need to be involved, and while there fell in
love with the beauty of the country, and its people. I read and studied its
history and politics, and when I left after being there for about a year and
a half, I was no longer dubious. We were not there for the right reasons,
we were clearly not there for the Vietnamese and we were doing much more
harm than good. The body count kept rising, there was a big dent in the
number of baby boomers, but the sheer number of Vietnamese who were killed
was staggering.
My conclusion is that war has no winners. All losers, some worse than
others, the poor of both countries were devastated the most. Wealthy
Americans got deferments, or at worst, some post at Cubi in the Philippines
counting beer kegs at the O’Club. A very few ended up as officers away from
the fray, some like Kerry actually saw combat. Poor Americans were grunts,
and had a terrible rate of repatriation.
I am sure that we need a military, but wish we could take our lessons from
Switzerland. Train everyone, build fortifications at home, be ready to
defend, maybe even help police troubled areas so stability can be restored
but an offensive army is just that, offensive! Offensive to our values and
our Constitution and to the ideals of the founding fathers.
I wish I could thank that old lady!