Republican congressmen and senators repeatedly blocked President Obama at every turn. But now that it’s the Democrats’ turn to be the party of opposition, they are pledging to cooperate. Which seems especially crazy considering how crazy the president elect is.
The Party of Yes Sir, May I Please Have Another
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
37 Comments. Leave new
Meantime, at least we won’t get a repeat of Billary’s “thug-slugging” America’s already vastly expanded, para-military prison complex full of Black-Lives that really never mattered that much to her to begin with. If T-rump establishes a “Death-Camp” infrastructure, it will mostly be resulting from BarryHO’s over-the-top expansion of FEMA’s already up-and-running, prison-camp infrastructure, which are so easily convertible. The defacto Death Camps already exist, they just need a nomenclature reclassification.
I just decided to refer to the whole search-term shebang and let anybody scanning it to choose whatever best represents their own take on the matter.
It’s an exercise for everybody in logical reconstruction. Anyway, who wants to presume that our duopolistically counterfeit, predatorily capitalist, authoritarian government IS NOT planning to self-protectively incarcerate a significant portion of the constitutionally motivated, “Hunger-Games” designated, loyal opposition?
As it is, unless you’re a 1%er, you are a guaranteed member of America’s economic toilet-swirling, FUCKED CLASS.
Lmao. Snopes. Discredited as partisan.
Lmao. Snopes. Discredited as partisan.
This is a beautiful argument.
I’m seriously thinking about writing a bot that would detect your posts, parse them, and insert a [Discredited as partisan] tag at the end of each sentence that has a link to Breitbart “news” “service”, and a [citation needed] tag if there is not 😉
«Lmao. Snopes. Discredited as partisan.
This is a beautiful argument.»
Indeed it is, Andreas, as long as one keeps in mind that in the New Speak favoured by «Jack Heart» and her/his ilk, «partisan» are understood to be any views that don’t agree with their own perverted Weltanschauungen….
I wonder if your bot would be considered an all-out attack on freedom of speech, were you to write it and it to work as hoped…. 😉
@ mhenriday –
“Indeed it is, Andreas, as long as one keeps in mind that in the New Speak favoured by «Jack Heart» and her/his ilk, «partisan» are understood to be any views that don’t agree with their own perverted Weltanschauungen….”
Let’s be fair about this.
Even is judged to be “partisan” by a certain mindset — because the site publishes facts and not the opinions of those whose preconceptions will not allow them to view things objectively.
How dare you insinuate that opinions are not as valid as facts? Shame! Shame!
You do understand “fact checkers” claim to be nonpartisan..? Perhaps you don’t?
@ Jack Heart –
*You do understand “fact checkers” claim to be nonpartisan..? Perhaps you don’t?*
WTF? Do you have a point?
Congratulations, derlehrer,
You have affirmed your designation as “most dense” commenter on the blog.
«You [i e, derlehrer] have affirmed your designation as “most dense” commenter on the blog.» And dear «Jack Heart» her/his position as the lightest….
@ Jack Heart –
You might consider the possibility that your utterances are complete nonsense and have no meaning to any sane person.
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
No, it’s too easy just to say “my opponents are crazy.” This is a common refrain for you. I’ll be charitable and say you don’t attempt to understand, rather than being unable to. Hell, most opinions here are completely bonkers to my mind, yet I’m still capable of comprehending what is trying to be said.
@ Jack Heart –
Yet, that is exactly what you’re doing.
If you have a point to make, make it. I recognized you as a troll many, many months (years?) ago. You spew a lot of nonsense and expect others to take you seriously.
Try to make an effort to communicate sensibly, however difficult it might be for you with your limited intellect.
Previous post somehow failed to include the quote to which I referred;
No, it’s too easy just to say “my opponents are crazy.”
Okay! Let’s leave nothing for you to have to fill in!
Fact checkers must be nonpartisan to be credible.
Snopes claims to be nonpartisan.
Snopes is in fact partisan.
Therefore, Snopes is not credible.
@ Jack Heart –
“Snopes claims to be nonpartisan. Snopes is in fact partisan. Therefore, Snopes is not credible.”
That’s the commitment I’ve been trying to get you to make, so it’s an improvement upon the gibberish you previously posted.
Now, all that is lacking is for you to provide the proof that is partisan.
Did you get that from Fox News or from Breitbart or from some other “non-partisan” source?
😀 😀 😀
@ DanD –
I find it too, too funny that your link lists the following (which actually debunks your hypothesis):
Not only that, but the list includes several that Obama commissioned to hold Texans when the US invaded back in 2015; as well as reptilians who won’t toe the party line.
I just decided to refer to the whole search-term shebang and let anybody scanning it to choose whatever best represents their own take on the matter.
It’s an exercise for everybody in logical reconstruction. Anyway, who wants to presume that our duopolistically counterfeit, predatorily capitalist, authoritarian government IS NOT planning to self-protectively incarcerate a significant portion of the constitutionally motivated, “Hunger-Games” designated, loyal opposition?
As it is, unless you’re a 1%er, you are a guaranteed member of America’s economic toilet-swirling, FUCKED CLASS.
Exactly Dan. All these guys here want to call America fascist and say they don’t trust the government but then it’s just crazy that it might do something like this.
“Exactly Dan. All these guys here want to call America fascist and say they don’t trust the government but then it’s just crazy that it might do something like this.”
Not exactly “all these guys” — some of us had the foresight to move out of country precisely because we didn’t trust the government. (I did it also, when Nixon was “der Führer”!)
I have this horrible feeling that the moment Trump is inaugurated Landru is gonna whisper, “Festival”. Dorme bene.
Wow, a Star Trek TOS reference, what fun 🙂 I canna get more from the engines, captain!
«Wow, a Star Trek TOS reference, what fun 🙂» And I who first that that the reference was to this Landru (after whom, I presume, the ruler of the planet Beta III was named). Just goes to show how out of the loop one is !…
Reeeally? What the hell is this then?
Dems changed the rules and now they’re upset that they’ll be on the other side of it! But that won’t stop some of them obstructing out of pure spite.
You mean “out of a desperate attempt to maintain democratic institutions in the face of fascism.”
Not spite, courage.
All they can do is stall–which they admit. I hope you didn’t read it because if you did, you have no reading comprehension to speak of.
Also we are a constitutional republic. Or at least we are supposed to be. Not a wretched democracy.
And the GOP did not stall on Obama’s cabinet appointments.
Mr Trump wouldn’t dare – the design for that particular Vernichtungslager has no doubt been registered with the relevant authorities, and he would be sued to his socks were he to use it. I suspect what he actually builds (more accurately, causes to be built) will more closely resemble Trump Tower….
Working together is how it’s *supposed* to work. But both sides need to bargain in good faith, and want to make it work, and … oh, why do I bother? We’re screwed.
Ever see two dogs fight? Doesn’t matter the two breeds. Both dogs negotiate, constantly, from a fangs-bared posture. “I’m not going to start something. I will not go for your throat. But if you try something, wow, you are in for the last surprise of your life because I will do my very best to bite through your windpipe.” And the Democrats do not understand that essential detail. They always want to “work across the aisle.” NO! You don’t do that. You make sure the other side knows first that you can’t be pissed on. THEN you negotiate.
Look at the Democrats. Look at their behavior from the SOLE PURPOSE OF THE WHOLE ELECTION RUN-UP: to win the presidency. They ran a flawed candidate that had to be propped up from the very beginning in order to beat a 70-year-old socialist from Vermont with the name recognition of the guy who invented self-sealing envelopes. When you have to rig the contest in the earliest stages for “your” candidate, you have the wrong candidate. But the Democratic leadership-elite wanted Hillary because they were all tied in to her. Her election would have meant power and prestige for them, too. Sanders? Not so much.
The Democrats can’t stop warning us that Trump means the end of everything. And what are they gonna do about it? They’re forming a committee to vote on considering whether to launch an exploratory panel about preparing a draft of a strongly worded letter to the editor.
If the Dems think Trump is truly that bad, then they need to get off their asses and start doing something. Not a recount that will never work. Not a drum circle for processing grief. The time to react was the morning after the election. Already, the outrage (the only way the Dems will win next time) is diminishing. In the Union Square subway in New York, where I live (in the Union Square subway in New York), there’s about a thousand little post-it notes from people who are, literally, convinced that Trump is going to end this country. And for most of the people, posting their little sticky sheets about Love>Trump and similarly idiotic ejecta on the wall of a subway station equates with real political action. That will be the sum total of their political action. Just like with OWS, they love showing up for the street cred. They love showing up so they can get laid by impressing another equally gullible person. “Oh, hey. Hang on, I just gotta finish this Tweet. Let’s go get some lattes at Starbucks while I try to figure out a way to get into your pants. Shh. Here comes this crazy guy who keeps trying to get people to go out and try to register voters. Yeah, like I have time for that.”
Right you are, except that bit at the end about registering voters. Thing is, the whole system is a set up. Absolutely impossible to get anywhere unless we tear it down and start all over. Remember the graffiti from Paris 68, “Élections, piège à con”
The thing I don’t get about the name recognition factor is how many politicians have most Americans really heard of? Anybody who really follows American politics knew Jim Webb and Bernie Sanders already. Along with most of the GOP candidates. The average American knew who? Clinton, Bush, Trump. Christie? I guess I could find this somewhere, but I doubt many people knew Rand Paul, Walker, Perry, or even Cruz.
@ Jack Heart –
“Anybody who really follows American politics knew Jim Webb….”
Yeah, ain’t he the guy who played Sgt. Friday in “Dragnet” and “Badge 714”?
So, to be clear, your assertion is that a GOP congress exercising it’s Constitutionally mandated oversight and check & balance against the executive branch is “obstruction”, but now that there’s a GOP president, you expect congress to “obstruct” the executive branch because it’s congress’ Constitutionally mandated oversight…?