Trump Insults Muslims; Clinton Kills Them

Hillary Clinton has been directly responsible for the deaths of more than 1 million Muslims. She voted for the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, which killed over 1 million people total. As Secretary of State, she watched approvingly as President Obama ordered predator drones to assassinate thousands of innocent civilians, including many women and children. Almost all were Muslim. Also Secretary of State, she pushed to overthrow the government of Syria and Libya, leading to brutal civil wars that have killed tens of thousands of Muslims. Oddly it’s Donald Trump — who has never killed anyone —€“ who is in trouble because he said intemperate things about Muslims.

15 Comments. Leave new

  • I await a spinmeister to explain that none of this was Hillary’s fault.

    There’s one in every crowd.

    The truth is out there despite being beat down from its rightful place before the eyes of the public in the corporate media, you know, because “A popular government without popular information, or the means of
    acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or, perhaps, both…” and popular information is a threat to the Power Elite, the real owners of this country.

  • Great choice the dems and repubs have put up this election- Hillary is a warmongering murderer and Trump wants know why we can’t just use nuclear weapons.

    • Which between the Farce Party and the Tragedy Party can be celebrated as the Lesser Evil? Both are apt to stop the vote count while ahead and declare victory as they are wont to do.

      Which of Tragedy and Farce will be legitimized as the Best America can do?

      Which do you choose, Tragedy or Farce?

      I am reminded of the dog that runs to the fence and barks ferociously and threateningly at those who have taunted it throughout its life until that one day when the fence has been torn down.

      Now it runs to the place where the fence once stood and still it goes no further, not understanding that the situation has changed and its abusers can now be chased away.

      People don’t think like dogs, do they?

    • According to Snopes, Trump never actually said that.

      MSNBC said that he said it with no sources or references, the New York Times put the MSNBC claim on the front page, and the RWNJs who say Snopes always lies now HAVE to believe the MSM that Trump will start a nuclear war and get the US destroyed by a nuclear holocaust, so every sane person MUST vote for Secretary Redbeard.

      Who has sworn to liberate Syria and Russia/CCCP from their evil dictators, after which every Syrian and every Russian will be eternally grateful to St Redbeard and the US.

      And she doesn’t have to worry about Stalingrad, since it’s not on any map!

      • It’s more of a ‘wow–even snopes is siding with Trump! The liberal media will lie about anything to take him down.’

  • Today, The Donald does not have the power to authorize military force against those people he routinely disparages. The question is: what will he do once if he does have those powers?

    He wants to deport Muslims, what will he do if they resist? Call them names? Or will he use force?

    • The aggression both the Tragedy Party and the Farce Party promise differ only in that one promises internal violence and the other promises external violence.

      • Almost nothing Trump said can be believed, but I believe him when he says he wants to let Putin and Assad stop Islamic terrorism, and that he wants to stop funding the Islamic terrorists.

        I do NOT believe he would actually try to deport more Hispanics than Bill, Bush, jr, Obama, and Hillary will deport, nor do I think he really plans to deport Muslims, he just said that to win the nomination.

        In any case, only Dilbert and Michael Moore think he has a chance. The pundits with a record for predicting elections all say Billary is a near certainty.

        Followed by the liberation of Russia from its evil dictator, which will be a piece of cake for St Redbeard. She won’t have any of the problems the Frenchman or the German had, because she is much tougher than any Frenchman or German!

  • The Tragedy Party leads with its vulnerable persons so that any transgression is worthy of an extreme emotional response.

    Playing on the emotional “I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns, and go into the room where … babies were in incubators, said Nayirah. “They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die,” was a winning strategy for Bush.

    “Oh! The Tragedy of Iraqi babies” was used to kill Muslims in Iraq.

    So the Tragedy Party takes the lead from the Republican Party as it moves into its place further right on the political spectrum, and puts a Black Man, then a Woman, and then a Muslim whose son has been killed, out in front to grab emotions to be usefully channeled into righteous anger and indignation.

    “Oh! The Tragedy of Black men” is redeemed by making a Black man president while murder of Black men continues domestically.

    “Oh! The Tragedy of Muslims” is redeemed by putting a Muslim’s sorrows at being scoffed at for his political opinion while the murder of Muslims by drone continues under extra-Constitutional wars.

  • I used to read the Guardian (dot uk) until the UK government did the right thing and shut down that unpatriotic rag and replaced it with the Guardian (dot com) which toes the UK/US government line, that the Daesh was created by Putin and Assad, and will disappear and all Islamic terrorism will stop as soon as President Redbeard liberates (Syria and) the CCCP from their evil dictators. I still read the same thing in the US/UK MSM (except for Fisk and Cockburn, who haven’t yet learned how to toe).

    The New York Times had an article Friday that Trump would definitely start a nuclear war and no one could stop him if the voters are stupid enough to elect him. Krugman and Brooks both wrote that no sane voter can vote for anyone except St Hillary. I recall ’64 when Johnson ran those ads against Goldwater, but they made him pay for them, now they’re giving them to St Redbeard for free.

    In short, Trump’s domestic policies would be an unmitigated disaster, while St Hillary promises more of the same (deporting more and more Hispanics who forgot their drivers’ licenses, but no wall and no refugees, and more taxes on all the rich who are members of the middle and lower middle classes, but not on the truly wealthy who have already done more than enough for the world).

    Trump’s foreign policy is to let Russa and the Syrian government deal with the Daesh, and stop funding the Daesh as Bush, jr and Obama did. Clearly a treasonous position, since Russia is the sworn enemy of NATO, and the evil Syrian dictator has murdered more than 300,000 innocent, peaceful, unarmed protesters, while the single evil member of the Daesh murdered just 3 Americans on YouTube, but he’s already been droned, and the rest of the Daesh are among those innocent, peaceful protesters..

    St Redbeard has promised to liberate Syria and Russia from their evil dictators, and so we all MUST vote for her, and every Syrian and Russian will be eternally grateful to St Redbeard and the US, and the world will be very, very peaceful

  • But Ted, surely you must realise that calling people names is just not nice, as it requires intention to harm, while killing them is unintentional and just a matter of «collateral damage» (save, of course, in the case of Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, as that infamous chortle does sort of give the whole thing away) ?…


  • This brings up something that recently occurred to me about Donald Trump.

    Trump would not be the phenomenon he is if he did not drive liberals into such a panic. All the free publicity, past and present, that the media has showered on him is driven by his capacity to shock liberals.

    Why does he shock liberals so? It is our reward for years of political correctness. For years, liberals have obsessed over the importance of not saying anything offensive, to the point that now many people are ready to see the Devil himself when a national figure takes to the stage and won’t stop running his mouth.

    Oh, the pearl clutching. And they lose all sense of perspective, unable to tell the difference between a gaffe and a joke, or between an off the cuff comment and a policy position. Granted, Trump does very little to help make these distinctions, but the people criticizing him should be able to, at least a little. Instead, they go after things like “Trump made a joke about Clinton’s missing emails. Treason!” or “Trump said the elections are rigged” (they are, in case you didn’t notice) “Liar!” As if he didn’t say genuinely horrible or inaccurate things every day.

    It makes him the perfect foil for Hillary, because all the SJWs will drop what they’re doing to get good and outraged whenever he says something outrageous, which is all the time.

    “That… that MAN! Saying those THINGS! Why, he must be the most horrible person to ever run for public office, saying things like that.”
    Pay no attention to actual deeds, it’s all about the offensiveness of the language. Sure, Trump still sucks if you judge him by his actions, but he stops looking much worse than, or even as bad as, Hillary Clinton.

    It’s also why he has so many supporters, because on the conservative side of the street, Americans have spent years harboring a cold rage at being browbeaten at every turn to police their language. When someone comes along who just says whatever offensive thing comes into his head, he is their hero just for breaking free of that cage. Without the unPC motormouth, they would probably not be interested in him and liberals would not be afraid of him.

    None of this would be happening if we had not spent so many years obsessing over hurtful language.

    • «“That… that MAN! Saying those THINGS! Why, he must be the most horrible person to ever run for public office, saying things like that.”» May I suggest that the most shocking things to both the so-called «liberals» (of the bomb’em type, who dominate the media in the US and Europe) and neocons are Mr Trump’s questioning of NATO and ostensible willingness to come to accommodations with Russia. Everything else, no matter how shocking to ordinary people, could be overlooked or, indeed, applauded – but questioning the very basis of US foreign policy since the end of WW II is a bridge too far….


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