When Obama was elected, pundits said having the first-ever African-American president would change everything, especially for blacks. As it turns out, however, by most measures the lives of American blacks remained the same or got worse during his two terms. Now women are being told that the election of Hillary Clinton as the first woman president would lead to meaningful changes for women.
Obama Changed Everything
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
17 Comments. Leave new
The key phrase is “now we (women) are being told”. Who in the heck needs to be “told”? Only people who can’t spend the time to think logically need to be “told’. We live in a soundbite society where ignorance is celebrated and knee-jerk responses are considered fairly normal, if not the currency of careful consideration. And in Hillary’s case, it means more of the same and no meaningful change. Vote for me, I’m George Tirebiter, and I approve this massage. 🙂
… He’s a spy and a girl delighter,
Oh, great, now I’ve got an earworm. 😉
I’m not one to judge in purely black-vs.-white terms (sorry) (not really)
Obama’s election did raise the high-water marks for blacks in this country. Even though he’s been shit for a president, now black children can dream that they, too, have a shot at being the highest corporate shill in the land. If Hillary’s elected, it will do the same for little white girls everywhere. These are undeniably great achievements.
That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t prefer Elizabeth Warren, but she’s not running. Nor does it mean that I intend to vote for Hillary, I don’t. But I can distinguish the difference between the baby and the bathwater.
When I was young, women in medicine were so rare that we had “Doctors” and “Lady Doctors” – nobody bothers to make the distinction any more. Elizabeth Blackwell’s medical career wasn’t spectacular, she didn’t cure cancer, she didn’t even see that many patients – but she did break the glass ceiling. Let us celebrate that victory for what it is.
I celebrated the victory for what it was, even though I never voted for Obama. I also mourned the victory for what it wasn’t: it was not a meaningful change.
The empire always puts faces of the same kind as the population in every puppet government it installs worldwide.
So foreign policy comes home, just like militarized police and military rules of engagement on our streets, and torture in domestic covert sites.
A face with a different color or gender in the same space in the hierarchy dedicated to capitalist plunder is about as meaningful as celebrating the New Year.
Meet the New Year, same as the Old Year.
> … is about as meaningful as celebrating the New Year.
And just as good an excuse to drink heavily.
Obama changed everything.
Once Democrats opposed undeclared wars of aggression, torture, and favored impeachment of the unitary executive, spying on citizens, non-prosecution of Wall Street crimes,…the list goes on and on.
The election of Obama changed everything. The Democratic Party that once actively expressed outrage slumped into a passive, silent acceptance of the new normal.
Yeah, I mean just look at how Kennedy and Johnson kept us out of Vietna… oops…
I think it more accurate to say that the vast majority of Dem voters care about those things only when under a Republican president. Same as the majority of Republican voters oppose deficits, debt, and gov’t overreach only when under a Dem prez. Partisanship is a real bitch.
I think we agree.
I should have said “Of course I agree.”
I don’t know what I was thinking when I said “I think”.
lol Glenn 🙂
Under the guise of “Black” people, or of women, the same thing happens also with religions and cultures. Even as there are “Christian”-Zionists, there are also Muslim-Zionist. Know this, America’s Capitalist Political Party (containing its more subordinate neo-con/liberal divisions) is entirely Zionist-controlled.
Tattoo runs across the Island, excitedly shouting “ZE JOOZ! ZE JOOZ”
Mr. Roarke steps out of the brush to to suavely greet the new arrivals, “Welcome to Paranoid Fantasy Island”
Truth is stranger than fiction.
When talking about Christian Zionists, I’m referring to those ass-hats in the American Bible-Belt who feel that they must endorse and support Zionland’s genocide against the non-Jewish Semites of Palestine if their own Jebus is to triumphantly come back to Earth in order to usher in the latest, super-hero version of “New Jerusalem.”
They’re just Caucasian/Goy Zionists, as opposed to the Caucasoid-Ashkenazi Zionists of the world’s Khazarian-infested, Jewish population. Racially, both are siblings.
In the heart of Arabic Islam, the Zionists are best represented by the Dönmeh Wahhabist sect.
Yeah, Ze Jooze are the puppet-masters. Do you really believe that WDC is not a ZOG?
Biologically, we are all siblings.
That dear Ms Clinton may indeed change everything – for all of us, permanently, in the event she gets to visit the Oval Office as something other than her husband’s guest when the interns are otherwise engaged is what worries me, Ted. What will she do first :«obliterate» Iran or start a war with China ?…