In which Ted Rall grouses about Clifford Winston’s op/ed in the New York Times stating that the only solution to the monopolization of the airline industry is to allow foreign carriers to compete domestically. There are other possible solutions—a national carrier, price controls, regulations that require U.S. carriers to serve small cities—but they’re not mentioned in the Paper of Record, which blocks all leftist voices, even though they are agreed with by 47% of the country.
Video: Ted Rall Grouses About Clifford Winston’s NY Times Op/Ed About Airlines
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Great video. When I first read that piece, I had to stop halfway through and make sure I was reading properly: it seemed to me like the first half he was saying “super tight competition is ruining the ability of airlines to serve consumer needs” and the second half he was saying “so we need more competition.” I was like “wait, what?”
Good video.
Here is a highly related article (affirming some of the points you are making):
Fares are too low. Yes, higher fares would be beyond the reach of some. Take the train or the bus. Or live near your relatives. Or entertain yourself locally.
Airlines don’t make enough money to provide quality service. Actually, they don’t make money.
The CAB should be reinstated. Rates would be standardized at profitable levels. Competition would increase, not decrease. More start-up lines. No monopoly, More service to remote locations. Better maintenance to airplanes. Healthier airplane construction industry. Happier employees. The profits and higher wages flow back into the economy. Airlines run by airline experts, not loan sharks.
The ONLY way to fly! Anybody remember that?