Signed Copies of “Anti-American Manifesto” On Sale Now

On sale for a limited time only: Copies of my Anti-American Manifesto dedicated to you or a friend. Total price includes shipping, handling, and the price I paid to get the books shipped to me in the first place. Yes, it’s cheaper to buy elsewhere. Or from me at a public event. But here’s a great option to support my work if you want it.

Click below to get the one book that could land you on a government watch list:

Shipped Where?
Want It Dedicated? To Whom?

If you don’t use PayPal, send $25 total (in the U.S., contact me directly for foreign sales) along with your mailing address and how you’d like it signed to:

Ted Rall
PO Box 2760
New York NY 10163


  • I’m broke and unemployed Ted, I can’t give you money to hear you say what I already know in a snobbish tone.

  • Ever heard of a library?

    And speaking of snobbish tones…

  • Thank you Ted! We just got our signed book! I’ve admired your work for years and I’m hoping you’ll be coming to Ann Arbor on your Midwestern tour. You have the guts and the brains to be ahead of the curve. Just as I’m about to arrive at an uncomfortable conclusion I read one of your columns or find you’ve written a book that describes it coherently in a way that validates my observations. I am so grateful for your vision. I know it can be lonely, but you’re not alone.

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