Once Fearsome Enemies

Now that they’ve been defeated, the same Republicans who called liberals anti-American traitors are talking about the benefits of bipartisanship.

Obama Keeps Bush

At Obama’s insistence, Joe Lieberman gets to keep his chairmanship of the homeland security committee. Is there nothing one can do to have to pay a price for defaming Democrats?

Speaking of questions, I’ve been looking at the lists of people being considered for top spots in the incoming Obama Administration. Not…one…leftie. (Like Robert Reich.) Not one.

I expected change to be something I couldn’t believe in, but I thought they’d cover it up a little better.

Here to Help

Just when you think Obama was done bending over backwards to please right-wing Republicans–voting for the Iraq War over and over and over, voting for the Afghan War over and over and over, proposing an Afghan surge, voting to gut FISA–he flip-flops on offshore oil drilling, an issue that had been settled decades ago.

As I ask so often…what next?

New Democrat

Barack Obama is bending over backwards to suck up to his Republican enemies…or just bending over. Why not go all the way?
