A San Francisco study estimates that 84% of foreclosures were done illegally from 2009 to 2011.
Forgeries of Forgeries

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The TMI Show" talk show. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
10 Comments. Leave new
We’ve compensated those verified cases by paying families $2,000 each for their inconvenience, Ted. Can’t we put this behind us? I mean, clearly, mistakes were made on both sides, everyone is equally at fault.
Relative to Aggie_Dude
The losses sustained by the Americans duped into taking out mortgages and fraudently foreclosed on approach a trillion dollars. 25 billion dollars hardly compensates the victims for their losses. And no fraudster has been indicted …. American justice – unfortunately that’s how it is exercised.
“And this isn’t my house.” (I grew up on Tom Toles)
Aggie Dude, you sound like a tebagger troll. What bank wouldn’t like to pay an aggrieved homeowner $2,000 for seizing a house worth even $100K? And I doubt this Part II of our epic bank bailout includes finding and delivering payments those that are now homeless.
It’s not like we hadn’t arrived a decade ago, but this is hardcore French Revolution territory. Even billionaire speculator (and Randroid schmuck) Peter Thiel noted that “In the history of the modern world, inequality has only been ended through communist revolution, war or deflationary economic collapse.”
“And this isn’t my house.” (I grew up on Tom Toles)
Aggie Dude, you sound like a tebagger troll. What bank wouldn’t like to pay an aggrieved homeowner $2,000 for seizing a house worth even $100K? And I doubt this Part II of our epic bank bailout includes finding and delivering payments to those that are now homeless.
It’s not like we hadn’t arrived a decade ago, but this is hardcore French Revolution territory. Even billionaire speculator (and Randroid schmuck) Peter Thiel noted that “In the history of the modern world, inequality has only been ended through communist revolution, war or deflationary economic collapse.”
@Mason: Sarcasm…definition: The use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
I’ll make you the same bet I make Ted (he never responds, probably because he doesn’t want to divulge how wealthy he actually is: I’ll bet my yearly income against yours each year that revolution will not occur in the United States, that we will not have substantive structural change, and things will stay pretty much as they are. And I will win every year.
Tomorrow we will have more of the same…just…more of it.
Aggie Dude, keep the punch lines coming. It’s better than a finger-wagging, dry-drunk tirade from Andrew Breitbart in the public square. “I’ll bet you the Rolls Royce that the Koch Brothers promised ME that I’m RIGHT! HAH! HA! (See how I did that? Liberals don’t stand a chance, ’cause I WIN!)”
“A San Francisco study estimates that 84% of foreclosures were done illegally from 2009 to 2011.”
There is a lot of “information” on the Internet, and some of it is true. Who knows where this San Fransisco study came from – it is suspect merely for being anonymous – who conducted it? Many people will latch onto a fakt like this, and then use it as a basis to support some line of reasoning, but that’s not a good idea, is it? If it were actually true, then it would seem that a lot of lawyers would jump on these cases and make some money off at least a few of them, huh? Nothing much is going to happen until things get alot worse and more people are hurt. If you have 10 U.S. citizens doing fine or getting by, then why would you expect them to care about 2 or 3 other people who are on the street or doing poorly? The truth is that the ones getting by or doing fine don’t want to jeopardize their status by doing anything to put it at risk. Like the lady sang, Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose…. There won’t be any real action or change until enough people have nothing left to lose.
@Rikster: The SF study in question was widely reported in the NYT and elsewhere, indicating that even state-controlled media accepts its findings.
@Rikster: Do your homework. The study was done by the County of San Francisco Assessor-Recorder’s Office.
Link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/02/15/MN691N857R.DTL
Endless imperial wars abroad and increasing destitution at home – no wonder it’s called the «American [read : US] dream». Sometimes it’s best to stay awake….