Throughout the election campaign of 2018, “resistance” Democrats promised that if they were to retake the House of Representatives, there would be hell to pay on the part of Republicans. But then, after they did just that, Nancy Pelosi, probably the speaker of the house under the new majority, pledged to work in a bipartisan fashion with the very same Republicans she claimed to deplore We know it’s all just kabuki theater but really?
“Resistance” Democrats Promise Bipartisanship with the Same Republicans They Called Scum

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The second pelosi becomes speaker, I walk from the democrat party.
Purely from a politics-as-spectator-sport perspective that could be a brilliant move. “Hey, I won last time…” “See what happens when you don’t vote for me?” etc
NO, I do not want to see her in the oval office. But neither do I want Trump there.
Bernie? Man, he’s old – but if he came back he’d have a lot more traction than when he started out last time.
It’s gonna be an interesting game, folks – I’ll make nachos.
Look at her Twitter feed. Count the yeas and nays. She is despised by so many people. But I’d love to see a match up against Bernie where the DNC can’t screw around behind the scene.
This cartoon would have been reflective of American political realty after any election of this millennium.
But it’s likely brand new to too many people with short memories, whether a consequence of youth or due to the childishness of advanced age.
Having hope in this democratic process is like puncturing a self-healing balloon with a pointed truth while it’s being repeatedly refilled with hot air.
Or like a true believer falling victim to the same con job again and again, yet still finding his own persistence somehow praiseworthy.
To Glenn,
Excellent: ” … falling victim to the same con job again and again, yet still finding his own persistence somehow praiseworthy.”
Re: ” … reflective of American political realty after any election of this millennium.”
Yes, if one looks at only the part of the Kabuki most seen, and sought, by the general public – general press conference gruel.
If, however, one considers the legislative/societal effects of “bipartisanship” (i.e. Dem noses crammed WAY up the asses of the GOPers sprinting to the abyss***) then one must include the period of 1993-2001 – the (self-proclaimed) Clinton double presidency.
(“The Clinton Legacy” available upon request.)
*** No mean athletic feat, one must admit.
«Dem noses crammed WAY up the asses of the GOPers sprinting to the abyss» To debut in the so-called Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020, falco ?…
True, falco.
And preceding the Clinton years there were the Reagan years with their “Reagan Democrats”.
Yes, the crimes of the Democratic Party against democracy go way back, but I wanted to limit my notice here to the offenses of their more recent past so as not to be unnecessarily burdened with deconstruction of the reconstructed “memories” of Democrats past.
Nailed it, Ted ! But on the other hand, given the country’s history (engaged in at least one war more than 90 % of the time since its founding), it probably wasn’t too hard a guess….
“Drink blood from their subpoenaed skulls…” LOL