Appellate Lawyer Jeffrey Lewis Will Represent Me vs. LA Times

As the anti-SLAPP stage of my case heads toward California’s Court of Appeals, I am happy to report that First Amendment warrior and appellate attorney Jeffrey Lewis of Broedlow Lewis LLP will be representing me in the fight against the corrupt LA Times and its collusion with LAPD Police Chief Charlie Beck, and for free speech and independent journalism.

Join the fight: click here.


  • Best of luck, Ted ! I fear you will need it….


  • I looked at their website:

    I am impressed. I especially like the quote: “For every wrong, there is a remedy.”

    Key to your case is their explanation of “Anti-SLAPP”:
    “California’s Anti-SLAPP statute protects individuals and business who have been unfairly targeted with an expensive lawsuit by a plaintiff seeking to chill the right to free speech and to petition the government for redress.”

    It sounds to me as if you are in good hands. Rather than “luck,” I wish for you the tremendous success that you deserve!


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