Defeated by Greed

Now that the US has discovered enormous potential mineral wealth under Afghanistan, they will never leave.

Must Be Easy

After carefully considering three options for Afghanistan, none of which involved withdrawal, he decided to send more troops–in order to get out sooner. Of course.

LBJ, call your office.

The Asterisk President

Fairly self-explanatory, but this is something I’ve been trying to convey about Obama for some time. He has perfect Bush’s art of getting the big headline and then amending it into nothingness later when nobody is paying attention. Remember Bush’s signing statements? Obama doesn’t need them–he does the same thing without them.

Fight Them Here

Attack them here before we have to fight them there! (The intro about the study is true.)

I’m particularly happy about my Ameri-Islamic flag and the Saul Steinberg/New Yorker Iraq poster on the wall in the first panel.
