America Clutches Its Pearls, Balloon Edition

No country in the world invades the sovereign airspace of other nations as brazenly or extremely as the United States with spy drones, assassination drones, spy satellites and outright invasions. So it’s beyond rich to see U.S. officials whine so much about China’s survelliance balloon.

Stay Home As I Say, Don’t Invade As I Do

Joe Biden and the media outlets that support the Democratic narrative support Ukraine against Russian invasion without pausing to consider the fact that the United States is by far the biggest interventionist power in modern history. A nation that carries out drone strikes, assassinations, covert coups d’état and massive invasions and occupations of countries all over the planet has no moral standing to complain about the actions of any other country.


President Obama has warned Russia that invading a sovereign nation is a violation of international law that will not be tolerated. He has announced various economic and other sanctions. Clearly the United States would never have anything to do with anything like that.

An Insurgency is Born

If Bush had sent 50,000 troops to invade Nigeria, no one would have doubted it was a full-fledged war. Obama is leaving 50,000 troops in Iraq as a “residual force”—and nobody cares.
