Blessed Be the Warmongers

The Biden had what they thought would be a clever solution to their fear that the president would lose the New Hampshire primary. They decertified NH and made South Carolina first. Then Dean Phillips challenged Biden in NH. Faced with the prospect that Biden will lose the first primary (even if it’s unofficial), Biden has launched a write-in campaign for the race from which he asked to be removed from the ballot.

We Are Worse Than the Taliban

The new Taliban government of Afghanistan received widespread international criticism for using whips and sticks against women protesting in favor of women’s rights. But Western countries like the United States use even harsher methods to suppress their own demonstrators.

They Looked like Protesters to Me

Incredibly, Republican state legislators in Iowa and Oklahoma half passed bills granting immunity to drivers who is vehicles hit protesters in public streets. Beware of the law of unintended consequences.

If I Told You, I’d Have To Piss You Off

Two Senators complain that the Obama Administration is willfully twisting the meaning of the USA-Patriot Act in order to spy on Americans in ways that Congress never intended. But they won’t tell us how or why.

News of the Day

Susan here.

There was an ice-storm last night, so I have the day off again.

I’d just like to point out that what the corporate-controlled media (and unfortunately some alternative media) are calling “Mubarak supporters” should properly be called “Mubarak’s paid thugs”.

“Paid thugs” is what the Egyptian protesters are calling them, so why don’t we call them that, too?

Susan out.
