Some Exceptions May Apply

The Ten Commandments are back in the news now that Louisiana has ordered them posted in public school classrooms. It may violate the separation of church of state, but sometimes it’s interesting to see just how little Americans, who claim to be mostly Christian, uphold these basic tenets.

Another Casualty of the Cashless Society

I live in New York City, where many homeless people rely on panhandling in order to get by. A few days ago I saw a Millennial woman turn down a request from a homeless man, saying, “I don’t carry cash.” I have long been concerned about the ramifications of our increasingly cashless society, like the ability of the government to lock down our bank accounts and ability to move freely. As usual, the poorest among us are paying the biggest price for what we’ve been told is progress.

Nice Idea, but How Does It Help Climate Change?

The COP27 climate change conference was supposed to come up with concrete solutions to global warming. Instead, developing nations shook down wealthy nations for compensation on the basis that the countries that contribute to climate change should pay for the damage to the developing world. All well and good, but how does this reverse climate change?

Haiti Is in Big Trouble. Are We Going to Help?

It’s understandable that American policymakers would be reluctant to intervene militarily in Haiti given the dismal history of the United States making bad situations worse there. But the country is effectively a failed state and starvation is rampant. Certainly what’s going on there is far more relevant and important to the United States than what is happening in Ukraine. The US should help put together an international force to provide food and medical assistant to the population.

Abortion Tourism

Pregnant? Stuck in the deep South? You can still get an abortion… But it’s going to cost you.

The Cashless Society is Here

I have seen our future dystopian cashless society. What could go wrong? After all, it’s not the government would ever use its power to shut off people’s access to their money with a flip of a switch.


The Federal Election Commission has ruled that Bitcoin and other virtual currencies may be accepted by political candidates up to $100 per candidate per election. How will politicians adapt to a new form of influence selling and corruption?

Shared Sacrifice

The country is broke! Now it’s time for everyone, rich and poor, to roll up their sleeves (if they have any) and pitch in.

The Limousine Liberal

If you really care about the poor, some conservatives ask, why don’t liberals give them all their money?
