LOS ANGELES TIMES CARTOON: Regifting for Politicians



I draw cartoons for The Los Angeles Times about issues related to California and the Southland (metro Los Angeles).

This week:

After learning that elected officials in the state of California collected over two hundred grand in gifts during 2012 — which doesn’t include the $6.7 million donated solicited by officials on behalf of their favorite charities and causes  — the group Common Cause issued a report calling for tighter limits on this potentially corrupting influence.

One suggestion: “Apply the $10-per-month limit on gifts from lobbyists to also include gifts from the lobbyists’ clients. Currently, clients can give up to $440 per year to public officials.”


What is this, Secret Santa?

Even more depressing than the thought that our public servants can be bought is the notion that they’re selling themselves so cheaply. $440 a year? These guys aren’t call girls. They’re not streetwalkers. Even crack hos charge more. (Are there still crack hos? Meth hos? Anyway.) Hard times, it seems, have spread through the political class.

On the other hand, if I’d known that I could buy a state senator for the spare change in my couch cushions, there would be a Ted Rall Freeway Interchange by now.

The idea of pols and political appointees getting their relatively minor gifties further austeritized is inherently amusing, making this week’s cartoon one of those pretty-much-writes-itself deals. Given the time of year, jokes about regifting, stupid gufts and pets you don’t want but feel guilty about getting rid of seemed too easy to pass up.

It’s enough to make you feel sorry for a politician.


Happy what’s left of the holidays, everyone.
