And Biden Is NOT Senile

Team Biden responds to concerns that the president may be senile with assurances that, behind the scenes, Biden is energetic and sharp. We don’t get to see that, of course…not that we get to see much of the Leader of the Free World at all. Maybe it’s time for Team Trump to deploy their own version of “you don’t know him the way I know him” argument.

Mental Obesity

Here’s yesterday’s cartoon, ready for your comments should you have any. The guy’s T-shirt in the last panel was stolen from bumperstickers I saw on a truck yesterday. The truck had a sticker pointing right reading “Liberals” and another one pointing left reading “Americans”–in other words, liberals ought to pass on the right where they will likely crash their cars. Amazing, after all that’s happened, that there are still people who don’t equate treason with conservatism.
