
ISIS beheads a journalist. The US bombed them. They behead another one. The US bombs more. So it goes and goes, yet no one asks: why is ISIS still cutting off its hostages’ heads? Could it be that we’re playing into their blood-soaked hands by provoking contempt for the US among bombing victims?

Also, I Have a Goombah

Thanks to a new book by a member of SEAL Team Six, which was sent to assassinate him, the truth comes out about the death of Osama bin Laden: no chance to surrender, no dignified burial, just a cheap Mafia rubout before sleeping with the fishes.

X-Treme Democratization

Karzai is stubborn, but even he can made to see reason in accepting a run-off election against Abdullah Abdullah Boutros Boutros Ghali.

Real Estate Hero

McCain doesn’t only have an economic plan. He’s leading the way to recovery!
