Another Casualty of the Cashless Society

I live in New York City, where many homeless people rely on panhandling in order to get by. A few days ago I saw a Millennial woman turn down a request from a homeless man, saying, “I don’t carry cash.” I have long been concerned about the ramifications of our increasingly cashless society, like the ability of the government to lock down our bank accounts and ability to move freely. As usual, the poorest among us are paying the biggest price for what we’ve been told is progress.

Three Years From Now

Many pundits asked how the proposed cruise missile strikes against Syria would affect, not the Syrians, but the American presidential election campaign of 2016. Why doesn’t anyone ask the Syrians?

Lucky Stiffs

50 million abortions have been carried out since 1973, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Since at least 40 million people are unemployed, that’s probably just as well.

99 Cent Store

Until recently, 99 cent stores were having trouble finding stuff to sell at such a low price. Fortunately, deflation will come to their rescue.
