DMZ America Podcast #52: An In-Depth Interview with Cartoonist Ted Rall by Scott Stantis

Scott, who was interviewed by DMZ America podcast co-host Ted Rall, finally returns the favor and interviews Ted. Where he came from and how his opinions were shaped. From a troubled and tumultuous childhood in Dayton, Ohio to becoming a bestselling and highly-regarded editorial cartoonist, columnist and author. Learn about Ted in this week’s Season One-ending episode.



The Offer

The EEOC says more employers are refusing to hire people who are unemployed.

Video of MSNBC Appearance

Crazy right-wing bloggers are going nuts due to my appearance on MSNBC yesterday. They think anger belongs to them. Well, think again. Or think for once.

I wonder what all my new rightie teases here at the will make of my take on Obama. It’ll probably make their heads explode.

Here’s the clip:
