We’re the Conserva-teases!

Whether it’s build back better or a Supreme Court confirmation fight, there’s a certain set of Republicans in the Senate around Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney and Susan Collins who always tease the Democratic counterparts and the media that they might vote Democratic, but they never do.

A Terrible Reckoning

Torturers are warned that they may face a tender accounting for Bush Administration war crimes.

Here to Help

Just when you think Obama was done bending over backwards to please right-wing Republicans–voting for the Iraq War over and over and over, voting for the Afghan War over and over and over, proposing an Afghan surge, voting to gut FISA–he flip-flops on offshore oil drilling, an issue that had been settled decades ago.

As I ask so often…what next?

New Democrat

Barack Obama is bending over backwards to suck up to his Republican enemies…or just bending over. Why not go all the way?
