This Week’s Cartoons

So I am about to ink my Los Angeles Times cartoon and I have to come up with something for the Pasadena weekly. For you Californians, the LA Times cartoon is about Gov. Jerry Brown’s new budget, which will impose strict austerity in order to pay down part of the state debt but will only scratch the surface in doing that. Lots of misery, very little result.

I have quite a few possibilities for my syndicated cartoons this week.

One is a leftover from last week. Unemployment among young college graduates is 35% and I was thinking of doing something about that. Then I was also thinking about doing something about immigration reform a.k.a. amnesty, which seems like it’s about to go through sometime soon. There is something really strange about the fact that the United States doesn’t let anyone in legally, that lets them sneak in all the time and then issues amnesties every 20 or 30 years. Which would of course be the gist of my cartoon.

I’m also kind of interested in the controversy over the lack of diversity in Pres. Obama’s cabinet. Is it more fun to get killed by a drone plane if the Sec. of the treasury is a gay woman rather than a white straight man? Apparently so.

I also have an idea about how turnabout is fair play when it comes to the drone wars. I’m pretty sure I’m going to do this one. It just going to be so fun to drop and it may be a cartoon that will go a lot further in terms of changing people’s minds than some of the other ones I have done in in the past. This one will introduce a possible recurring character too.

Gun control remains in the news, as a very good media friend of mine said it was, so I have a recurring character thing there as well. It’s a funny thing, I really am a supporter of the Second Amendment, but gun culture nevertheless kind of freaks me out. I just wish liberals and leftists were the only people who carried arms. Well, maybe not liberals.

So those are my possibilities. As usual, I can only do three so I’m going to have to choose the ones that will be the most fun to draw and that I think will get the most use.
