More Dates Added to “Anti-American Manifesto” Tour

I swear, it cracks me up just to type the phrase “Anti-American Manifesto Tour.” How things have changed! The right is so finished that they can’t even argue with that title. Maybe if they’re lucky some remote country will let them finish their days in exile.

Anyway, Seven Stories Press has added new dates to the Tour Calendar. There are also some modifications and additional details, as well as radio interviews, most of which can be streamed. It’s going to be a busy fall.

If you don’t see your city yet, but are in a position to sponsor an appearance, please get in touch.


  • The right is finished? You’re kidding right? Only 20% of the US population regard themselves as left.

  • They’re morally discredited and are no longer part of the political conversation in any forward-looking way.

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